Leadwork carried out in Wokingham

Leadwork and Its Importance in Roofing:

Lead has long been a trusted companion in the world of roofing, especially in places like Wokingham with its rich architectural history.

Imagine the tough, durable cover of a book that shields its delicate pages from rain and sunshine. That's what lead does!

Leadwork involves crafting this sturdy metal to fit snug on roofs, chimneys, and even walls. Its resilience to harsh weather and ability to last decades makes it a top choice. Plus, its malleability means it can adapt to any roof shape!

Being based in Wokingham, we find lead to be an incredibly widely-used product on buildings, both old and new.

Tiled Roofs:

Think of tiles like the sturdy, colourful pieces in a board game.

Tiled roofs are not just eye-catching but also incredibly hard-wearing. They’re perfect for homes that want to blend in a touch of tradition with lasting durability.

Tiled roofs are often chosen when homeowners want to achieve a classic look while ensuring their homes stay protected for years.

Tiled roofing services in Wokingham
Tiled roofs

Flat Roofs:

Have you ever admired the open space on top of some buildings, wondering what it's for? Those are flat roofs!

They’re like the top floor of a building but without walls. Ideal for adding green spaces, rooftop patios, or even solar panels.

We’ve undertaken flat roof projects in Wokingham & surrounding areas - both commercial and modern homes wanting a contemporary edge, flat roofs offer both style and functionality.

Single-Ply Roofs:

Imagine a strong, singular sheet protecting your house from the elements.

Single-ply roofs are a bit like that one indispensable umbrella you rely on during stormy days.

Lightweight yet robust, they’re a popular choice for large commercial buildings as well as residential. Their streamlined installation and durability make them a favourite for businesses looking for hassle-free roofing solutions.

Flat roof/single-ply services in Wokingham

There you have it! Roofing might seem complex at first, but just like choosing the right hat for the weather, it's all about picking what suits your needs best.

Whether it's the enduring charm of leadwork or the functionality of a flat roof, contact us for your roofing needs. We operate out of Wokingham and serve all surrounding areas.

Alternatively, fill out our Cost Calculator to get a rough pricing for your project!

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Showcaase Trade
September 12, 2023
5 min read

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